Windows 10 Login Changer 0.3 [LATEST]

Windows Login Changer 10 I think it is clear that it will help you to change the image at logon if you set to the user’s choice.
In addition, you can play around with the other parameters, for example, you can switch off loginscreen, login image, the image can be hidden by the shell, and enable crop resize pictures. Here is also a choice of color palette.
  • Color palette
  • Color Selector
  • Silent switches for Disable/Enable Login User Picture
  • Updated GUI
  • Auto resize/crop for image selection
  • Option – download default pri for backup/revert (available in options)
  • Option – select user account pictures to disable
  • Save selected color to JPEG file
  • Restore pri switch
  • Disable/Enable Login User Picture
  • Silent switch for PRI image
  • Apply to lockscreen – added option (open personalize/lockscreen)
  • Image converter (will preserve aspect ratio)
  • Apply to desktop
  • You can use the Save PRI to replace a corrupt PRI file
OS: Windows 10


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